18-Week Pacing Guides for
Writing and Literature Curriculum

At-home Curriculum to Help Your Student Learn
to Write Well at Grade Level

What are Essentials in Writing’s 18-Week Plans?

Essentials in Writing is a complete video-based writing and literature curricula for students in grades 1-12 for writing and 7-12 for literature. We have designed concentrated 18-week pacing guides that provide instruction and independent practice for all key skills at each level of our writing and literature curricula. The 18-Week Plans are a great option for those who want to accelerate their student’s progress.

Students using the 18-Week Plans in conjunction with their EIW curricula will receive video-based instruction and engage in independent practice that covers basic grammar, sentence structure, the writing process, paragraphs, essays, narratives, and research. The EIL 18-Week Plans include lessons to teach reading analysis skills as they apply to fiction, non-fiction, drama, novel study, and poetry.

The 18-Week Plans are a great fit for

  1. The accelerated homeschool setting.
  2. After-school, supplemental use.
  3. Remedial support for struggling students.
  4. Preparing your student for the next level/grade.
  5. Students with learning gaps in their skill set.

How it Works

Essentials in Writings 18-Week Plans are designed to be stress-free for both students and parents. Once you’ve selected the appropriate level and subject for your student, simply use the 18-Week pacing guide below in conjunction with Essentials in Writing’s award-winning curriculum to help your child reach their full potential.

  1. Allow approximately 30 minutes per day.
  2. Watch a short, engaging instructional video.
  3. Read support material from the Student Workbook.
  4. Complete independent practice exercises.
  5. Material is presented in a series of small steps.

EIW 18-Week Supplemental Writing Programs

EIL 18-Week Supplemental Literature Programs

Which Level is Right for My Student?

If your child has always struggled with writing, simply choose a level below your child’s grade (e.g. If your student is in 7th grade, select Level 6 or lower). This will allow your child to really focus on writing with less complicated prompts. Our goal is for your child to gain confidence as they master the basics of good writing.

Still unsure? Use our handy Placement Test as your guide or schedule a call with us to help determine your student’s placement.

If your child is just slightly behind or you feel as though they could use more writing practice to perform at grade level, simply choose a level that coincides with your child’s grade (e.g. Level 7 is appropriate for a student in 7th grade) to compliment what they are already learning in school.

Still unsure? Contact us to help determine your student’s placement.

Essentials in Writing Placement Test

Ready to Get Started?

Essentials in Writing and Literature Courses

Browse Essentials in Writing’s curriculum to find the level that’s right for your child. 

Try Before You Buy

See the benefits of Essentials in Writing when you sign up for our free 7-day trial. Select the Levels below, at, and/or above your child’s grade level to see which program is best suited for your student. No credit card required.

Please select which level you'd like to try before you buy (limit 4):

Essentials in Writing

Questions? Contact Customer Service by phone, text, or email.

Our customer service team is here for you! They can help you select the right level for your child’s individual needs or put you in touch with a licensed teacher if you need advice, all at no extra charge. Nothing would please us more than to help your child get his or her writing skills back on track!