EIW™ Level 1 features a slow, systematic approach to introducing writing skills. This homeschool writing program is for elementary students and is a steppingstone to help your student develop the necessary tools to write clearly and confidently. We use a step-by-step approach with small, daily assignments so that the student doesn’t feel overwhelmed.
Includes access to ONLINE Student Book and Teacher Handbook Includes lesson-by-lesson online video instruction for students Includes 12-month online video lesson access with FREE renewals Includes 100% free customer service and teacher support Includes Alternative Instructional Strategies for Struggling Students Assessment/Resource Book providing quizzes and comprehensive unit tests available for add-onOrder replacement student book & assessment resource books
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Additional Writing Student Book
Additional Writing Student Books
Additional ARB
Students completing Level 1 Writing will learn and practice grammar and writing skills. This list is non-exhaustive but rather serves as a quick insight into the subjects that students will learn – writing sentences, identifying parts of speech, applying parts of speech, writing lists, paragraphs, personal letters, personal narratives, imaginative narratives.
Identify and apply activities for writing sentences:
Identify and apply activities for parts of speech
Tools for Effective Communication: Apply Parts of Speech
Introduction to Writing:
Additional Composition Skills:
The general age for students completing Level 1 is 6 or 7 years old. The age can vary depending on if a child has started school early, on time, or is repeating a grade. The age of the student does not delegate if a child can complete this writing course. Instead, we recommend that students have a basic understanding of phonetic spelling and letter formation before beginning.
Level 1 learners are determined by knowledge and writing skill rather than their age. Students should have a basic understanding of phonetic spelling and letter formation before beginning this writing curriculum.
Students will learn the basics of language arts including grammar and writing. In Unit One, students engage in identifying and applying activities for writing sentences and parts of speech. Unit Two focuses on the introduction to composition. Students will learn several tools to become effective writers focusing on quality sentences, paragraphs, letters, and narratives.
Level 1 is the introduction to writing courses offered by Essentials in Writing and features a Student Book as well as a video component.
• Lesson content that accompanies the video lesson
• Lesson activities that accompany the video lesson
• Writing graphic organizers that accompany the video lesson
• Separate parent/teacher handbook
◦ How to use the program
◦ Sample lesson planning
◦ Writing icon descriptions
◦ Sample answers for each lesson
• (A) Multiple choice, underline, and fill-in-the-blank assessments
• (A) Composition assessments for each composition completed in the Student Book
• (R) Extra graphic organizers
• (R) Extra writing checklists
• (R) Level 1 spelling dictionary (word lists)
*Assessment/Resource Book will provide students with the opportunity to show what information they are retaining. Although some parents/teachers use the assessments as actual evaluations, others use them as extra practice. The additional word lists are valuable in improving student vocabulary.
Identify and Apply Activities for Writing Sentences
• Letter, word, and sentence formation
• Spacing, capitalization, and punctuation of sentences – period, question mark, and exclamation mark
• Introduction to complete sentences – subjects and predicates
• Types of sentences – declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and imperative
Identify and Apply Activities for Parts of Speech
• Common nouns
• Proper nouns
• Singular and plural nouns
• Adjectives
• Action verbs
Tools for Effective Communication: Apply Parts of Speech
• Adjectives in action
Introduction to Writing
• Lists
• Paragraphs
• Personal letters
• Personal narratives
• Imaginative narratives
Additional Composition Skills
• Parts of a paragraph
• Staying on topic
• Parts of a personal letter
• Writing the date
• Chronological order
• Parts of a personal and an imaginative narrative
Additional 1st grade writing student books can be purchased to provide a student book for another child/student. The student book does not have additional information and is just another core student book for another student so that each student has their own student book to use.
An answer key is presented in the back of the included Teacher Handbook. For compositions, sample answers for each step of the writing process and a final sample composition are presented to parents/teachers for comparison purposes. Checklists are included to be sure that the student met the composition requirements. Parents/teachers use the checklists and sample compositions to “grade” their student’s work.
Unit One covers basic grammar instruction with activities where students learn to identify and apply basic parts of speech, to identify and apply the basics of writing sentences, and to use adjectives and sentences effectively in written communication.
Unit Two introduces several multi-sentence compositions as well as how to communicate effectively in written language and in a variety of styles and formats.
The time needed to complete the 1st grade writing curriculum is a typical academic year (34 weeks). If students follow the 34-week plan included, they will complete individual lessons and activities during the week; however, because the lessons are broken up into small, daily mini-lessons, students can double up on some lessons and activities and complete the entire course sooner. Each day, students will spend 10-15 minutes on writing.
Each level of Essentials in Writing includes a 34-week suggested, yet optional, lesson planner.
Essentials in Writing offers 100% free curriculum support through texting, Facebook Messenger, online chat, email, and phone calls.
The online version of the curriculum includes all of the required materials for completing a level of Essentials in Writing or Essentials in Literature, but in a digital format. With the online version, all of your materials are in one spot within the member’s dashboard for you to view and print!
The required online materials include:
For EIW Levels 1-10, you can get a digital Assessment/Resource Booklet as well!
How does this compare to the print version? The print version of the curriculum includes all the online access to the digital materials AND the printed, physical, tangible version of the student books. The printed books are great for students who prefer to complete their assignments directly within an organized, bound book.
It simply comes down to personal preference. Now, families have the added convenience of being able to access their materials in different formats.
Additional student book is compatible only with second edition Essentials in Writing video instruction. This is only a student book for an ADDITIONAL student using the same level of video instruction. Please note that the student book is not functional without the related video instruction.
(ARB is compatible only with second edition Essentials in Writing curriculum)
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