Digital Assessment/Resource Booklet
EIW™ Level 10 provides high school students with the writing skills needed for high school and university writing, the SAT, college application, and daily communication. Our online writing curriculum is designed for secondary students and presents writing instruction in an easy and straightforward manner. EIW includes easy-to-follow, pre-planned lessons to guide students through the Student Book and instructional videos. Essentials in Literature is a high-school literature curriculum focused 100% on teaching students how to analyze fiction, non-fiction, poetry and figurative language.
EIL™ Level 10 is a high-school literature curriculum focused 100% on teaching students how to analyze fiction, non-fiction, drama, poetry and figurative language. This homeschool literature curriculum features a slow, systematic approach for tenth grade students, aged 15 to 16, to learn literary analysis effectively. The step-by-step approach repeated each time a literary work is analyzed effectively teaches students how to approach literature. A complete English/Language Arts course includes both Essentials in Writing and Essentials in Literature for tenth grade.
PLEASE NOTE: DIGITAL only versions of Essentials in Literature will NOT include a copy of the novel. Physical copies of the Student Book and Resource Book will only be shipped if selected below.
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Digital Assessment/Resource Booklet
DVDs – Literature
Scoring Service
Print Assessment/Resource Booklet
Additional Writing Student Book
Additional Literature Student Book
Additional Literature Resource Book
Additional Novel
DVDs – Literature
Scoring Service
EIW Level 10 provides high school students who are now homeschooling with the writing skills needed for high school and university writing, the SAT, college applications, and beyond.
The general age for students completing Level 10 is 15 or 16 years old. The age can vary depending on if a child has started school early, on time, or is repeating a grade. The age of the student does not delegate if a child can complete this writing course. Instead, we recommend that students have a basic understanding of spelling, grammar, sentence, composition, and the skills taught in Level 9 before beginning.
By the time students reach the high school level, specific grammar lessons become less important. Sentence structure is the most technical aspect of Level 10, but it is critical to push out any remaining bad habits for run-on sentences or comma splices. Learning about the writing process continues with an in-depth look at each part as students continue to improve their writing skills, so essays and the research project continue to grow as writing prompts become more complex. Detailed instructions are included for each composition: personal, expository, persuasive, and compare/contrast paragraphs and essays with a research paper to top it off.
The student book helps the student follow along with the video lessons and complete lesson activities.
The Student Book includes:
* Lesson content that accompanies the video lesson
* Lesson activities that accompany the video lesson
* Writing graphic organizers that accompany the video lesson
* Sample answers for each lesson (written as samples in the student book)
The Essentials in Writing Scoring Service is an optional add-on service that provides personal feedback and scoring of your student’s compositions! Our Scoring Team includes a variety of qualified individuals including long-time educators, librarians, and professionals with bachelor’s degrees in English, and they are ready to take the task of grading compositions off your plate.
Parents of students completing Levels 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, or 12 of Essentials in Writing are eligible to purchase this service. Offered from September 1 to June 15 of each school year, one composition for each EIW assignment may be submitted for scoring. If purchased after the September 1 start date, services still expire on June 15 of the following year.
The scoring system includes:
* Online access through Gradient where the Scoring Services are conducted
* One final composition from each lesson of Essentials in Writing to submit for scoring
* Feedback in the form of a rubric with a score as well as a one-paragraph write-up from their scorer complementing strengths and sharing areas to improve, plus, detailed comments and suggestions within the composition
Yes. Essentials in Writing provides both scoring checklist and rubrics for your convenience as well as effective and ineffective composition samples for each composition.
Additional 10th level writing student books can be purchased to provide a student book for another child/student. The student book does not have additional information and is just another core student book for another student so that each student has their own student book to use.
The student book provides students and parents/teachers with effective and ineffective composition samples. There are no worksheets or tests.
The time needed to complete the 10th level writing curriculum is a typical academic year (34 weeks). If students follow the 34-week plan included, they will complete individual lessons and activities during the week; however, because the lessons are broken up into small, daily mini-lessons, students can double up on some lessons and activities and complete the entire course sooner. Each day, students will spend 15-40 minutes on writing.
Essentials in Writing Level 10 includes a 34-week suggested, yet optional, course planner geared for high school level learning.
Essentials in Writing offers 100% free curriculum support through texting, Facebook Messenger, online chat, email, and phone calls.
By purchasing the scoring service add-on, parents/teachers will receive the necessary feedback from scorers to determine proficiency in writing.
The online version of the curriculum includes all of the required materials for completing a level of Essentials in Writing or Essentials in Literature, but in a digital format. With the online version, all of your materials are in one spot within the member’s dashboard for you to view and print!
The required online materials include:
For EIW Levels 1-10, you can get a digital Assessment/Resource Booklet as well!
How does this compare to the print version? The print version of the curriculum includes all the online access to the digital materials AND the printed, physical, tangible version of the student books. The printed books are great for students who prefer to complete their assignments directly within an organized, bound book.
It simply comes down to personal preference. Now, families have the added convenience of being able to access their materials in different formats.
Additional Student Book is compatible only with second edition Essentials in Writing video instruction. This is only a Student Book for an ADDITIONAL student using the same level of video instruction. Please note that the Student Book is not functional without the related video instruction.
Let Essentials in Writing take the scoring burden off your mind! Our Scoring Team includes a variety of qualified individuals, including long-time educators, librarians, and professionals with Bachelor’s degrees in English, and they are ready to take the burden of grading compositions away from you.
Parents of students completing levels 6*, 7*, 8*, 9, 10, 11 or 12 of Essentials in Writing are eligible to purchase this service. (*Second Editions only.) Offered from September 1 to June 15 of each school year, one composition for each EIW assignment may be submitted for scoring. If purchased after September 1 start date, services still expire on June 15 the following year.
PLEASE NOTE: Scoring services are for Essentials in Writing only and are not eligible for unconditional money back guarantee.
(Assessment/Resource Booklet is compatible only with second edition Essentials in Writing curriculum)
Assessment/Resource Booklet
Essentials in Literature is a high-school literature curriculum focused 100% on teaching students how to analyze fiction, nonfiction, drama, poetry, and figurative language.
Essentials in Literature Level 10 breaks down into four units with each unit focusing on a different aspect of literature.
* Unit One uses short story fiction to explain fiction terms and includes seven short stories (application), a connection to nonfiction, and one summative assessment.
* Unit Two uses one-act plays to define terms and includes two one-act plays (application), one summative assessment, and one cumulative activity.
* Unit Three centers around one novel (literary analysis application), namely To Kill a Mockingbird, with one summative assessment and one culminating activity (composition, visual presentation, or speech).
* Unit Four is the Figurative Language/Poetry Unit with a full explanation of terms, five sections of up to ten literary works (application), and one summative assessment.
The literature curriculum provides parents with scoring guides found in the answer key that include sample answers for each activity.
The Essentials in Literature material follows the same 34-week timeline as Essentials in Writing, but students can work faster than the intended timeline to finish the course sooner. Each day, students will spend 20-50 minutes on literature.
Essentials in Literature Level 10 includes a 34-week suggested, yet optional, lesson planner geared for secondary level learning.
Shorter works for Units One, Two, and Four can be found online. Instructions are given in the Parent/Teacher Handbook. The chosen novel for Unit Three is included with the purchase of Essentials in Literature Level 10.
The bundle for Level 10 includes both Essentials in Writing and Essentials in Literature. The student book and video content are included in the bundle price.
Essentials in Writing student book is the writing component whereas Essentials in Literature student book is the literary analysis component in order to earn an English credit at the high school level.
The online version of the curriculum includes all of the required materials for completing a level of Essentials in Writing or Essentials in Literature, but in a digital format. With the online version, all of your materials are in one spot within the member’s dashboard for you to view and print!
The required online materials include:
For EIW Levels 1-8, you can get a digital Assessment/Resource Booklet as well!
How does this compare to the print version? The print version of the curriculum includes all the online access to the digital materials AND the printed, physical, tangible version of the student books. The printed books are great for students who prefer to complete their assignments directly within an organized, bound book.
It simply comes down to personal preference. Now, families have the added convenience of being able to access their materials in different formats.
Additional Student Book is compatible only with second edition Essentials in Writing video instruction. This is only a Student Book for an ADDITIONAL student using the same level of video instruction. Please note that the Student Book is not functional without the related video instruction.
Scoring Services are for Essentials in Writing only.
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Not sure which level is right for your student? Use the level wizard.