When you ask your student to compose a writing assignment, does your student: A. groan as loud and long as their lungs allow B. slump in their chair, slide off to the floor, and lie there face down like a slug C. pick up a pencil and start eating it while vacantly staring at…
Essential Conversations
This blog is devoted to all aspects of writing, literature, and teaching. We are excited to partner with you on your homeschool journey and provide you with helpful and quality content in our blog posts.
When to Correct Sentence Writing for Students & When to Hold Back
Last week, I posted a picture to Instagram. Immediately after I clicked “Share,” my phone started buzzing in my hands. “Hey, Hope! It’s Jenna!” “Oh, hey! What’s up?” “Well, I’m actually at lunch with some friends, so I can’t really talk, but you made a spelling error in the caption under that picture you just…