Which Students Can Benefit the Most from Online Learning?
Posted In Online Education | Posted By Susan YorkOnline learning started making headlines in 2020. Many public schools were not ready for this pivot because most teachers lacked the training to pull it off and some students lacked the tech resources to make it work. That doesn’t mean that online schools can’t be successful. In fact, many online schools and virtual classes have been serving their students effectively for many years. While it isn’t the best option for every student, thousands of students have discovered that online learning satisfies their academic needs better than traditional brick and mortar schools.
Homeschoolers Don’t Have an Online Learning Curve
Online classes are a terrific option for homeschool students because they can pick and choose which subjects to study through online learning and which to continue studying with their parents. This way, parents can feel confident that their children are receiving a top-notch education despite any limitations in the parents’ educational backgrounds or abilities.
Homeschool students are often taught primarily by their parents, but as they progress into upper-level high school courses like calculus or physics, they sometimes need more support than what their parents can provide.
Homeschooling Can Help Students with Social Anxiety and Other Mental Health Concerns
Affecting nearly thirty million Americans, social anxiety’s signs usually appear starting at age thirteen. Making the transition from middle school to high school can be challenging for even the most self-confident students, but it can be completely overwhelming for students who suffer from anxiety disorders and other mental health concerns.
An online learning environment can greatly benefit students with Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and other mental health challenges.
Online learning allows students to work at a slower pace without the added pressure of trying to keep up with other students. In addition, online learning allows students who struggle to focus in crowded or noisy settings to attend class in an environment that is more comfortable.
In addition, online learning allows students to communicate privately with their instructors during class, which makes them more likely to ask questions or seek clarification about the course content or instructions for assignments.
For many students with mental health concerns, online learning satisfies their academic needs while minimizing the problems that can occur in a traditional school setting.
Online Learning Allows Flexibility for Growth
Online learning enables students to keep up with their studies without the scheduling constraints of a traditional school. Some students need more scheduling flexibility than a traditional school provides.
Child actors, musical prodigies, and highly competitive athletes, to give a few examples, often train at their craft for hours each day and may need to travel frequently for performances and competitions. Spending six or seven hours in a traditional school setting is not an ideal fit for students like these.
Online Learning Helps Protect Students with Medical Conditions
Enrolling in online learning allows these students to attend classes without setting foot in a physical school building. Students with chronic medical conditions often struggle to maintain consistent attendance in a traditional school setting for a variety of reasons. As an added benefit, students with weakened immune systems don’t have to risk being exposed to illnesses in a crowded classroom in order to get an education. For these students, online learning can literally be a life saver!
Online Learning Allows for Studying Abroad
Travel offers its own educational benefits, but families who travel may need some academic support, especially as students move into secondary school.
As more employers offer the option to work remotely, some families are choosing to hit the road for extended periods of time, and by enrolling their children in online learning, families maintain the flexibility to move freely while ensuring their children’s academic growth.
Students Can Outgrow Their Local Schools
Enrolling in online learning allows students to access educational options that aren’t constrained by geographic location. In some cases, a student may want to take classes, such as higher-level math or career prep courses, that their local school district doesn’t provide. As long as the student has internet access, he or she has a world of learning opportunities available with the click of a button.
Homeschool Success Stories
Adeline Baker, a high school student in Pennsylvania, turned to online learning through CAOLA (Capital Area Online Learning Association) when she was recovering from mono and needed to catch up on coursework. She enjoyed the format so much that she decided to continue her online studies. Baker says that online learning is a “wonderful experience” that has allowed her to more easily manage her frequent migraine headaches and to advance her acting career. She enjoys the flexible schedule that enables her to attend auditions, rehearsals, and performances. As a result, Baker has landed work in a New York City play, two movies, and a TV show. “I would not be able to do what I love without cyber school,” said Baker. “I am so glad I have this option!”
John Bukshtine, a non-verbal student from Visalia, CA, was hesitant to try online learning when his mother enrolled him in Learn4Life. He says, “Much to my surprise, my new school became my new home. Instead of shoving me into a box, it built one that fit me. I think this is how school should be. Fitting themselves to students instead of the other way around.” He has graduated from high school and is now enrolled in online classes at College of the Sequoias.
An anonymous high school student who enrolled in the Essentials in Writing Virtual Class for Struggling Writers credits the experience with making him a better writer. He said, “This class has enormously improved my writing. I have always had extreme struggles with writing, and I can’t say that it has not been without a little blood, sweat, and tears. Writing has always been my worst class, and I just have to say that this class has been easy and fun! I have noticed my writing improving and my ideas are coming out onto the paper better.”
If you’re looking for an online program in writing for your homeschool student, you might want to consider Essentials in Writing. Offering a virtual class for struggling writers, a creative writing class, and a college prep class, Essentials in Writing will help your student become a better writer through engaging mini-lessons and meaningful feedback on written assignments.