Thank you so much! We’re glad you’re here.
Our mission at Essentials in Writing is to provide a quality homeschool writing curriculum that is easy for parents and teachers to use and produces confident writers without stress.
Since you’re getting access to our free trial. Let’s recap what you’re getting today (3 things!):
1) Free Student Account – Check your email for login information. Remember, you only have 7 days to access your free trial, so head on over there now and check it out! As you near the end of your free trial, we will follow up with you via email/text message.
2) Member’s Only Access – Access to our PRIVATE Essentials in Writing Group for Homeschooling Parents Facebook group, so you can join our very active group of homeschool parents and teachers and ask them questions as well.
Essentials in Writing Parent Group
Essentials in Literature Parent Group
Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook for the latest news and updates!: Essentials in Writing Facebook Page
3) Enjoy Full Benefits – You’ll receive the full benefits of our EIW students – 100% FREE support through phone call, online chat, facebook messaging, and make an appointment for us to call you.
Next Steps:
Once you’re ready to place your order, simply click the link in any of the emails we send you or visit us at
This free trial expires in 7 days.