We began using Essentials in Writing when my oldest daughter was in sixth grade. Before this we had used several other writing programs, but Essentials in Writing was so straight forward and easy to understand that she finally quit complaining about writing and even learned to enjoy it. She continued to use it all the way through her tenth grade year, and then in eleventh grade she started an online PSEO College Research and Writing class. She was very nervous until she saw the syllabus and realized that it was exactly what she had been doing all along in Essentials in Writing. In fact, she found the college class to be easier than high school! All the years of practicing writing different types of essays, learning how to organize her thoughts and outline her papers, and the step-by-step guidance of the revision process, really gave her the confidence to not only do well in her college class, but to earn an overall score of 99%. This is a complete testament to the effectiveness of Essentials in Writing since this is what she has used from the beginning, and we will absolutely continue to use it with our other children