I have an acquaintance who will text me once in a while, and her texts always leave me in confusion. She writes like she is picking up in the middle of a conversation we never had. It’s lengthy; it references things that I don’t understand; and when I reach the end of the message, I’m…
Essential Conversations
This blog is devoted to all aspects of writing, literature, and teaching. We are excited to partner with you on your homeschool journey and provide you with helpful and quality content in our blog posts.
How Does Reading Improve Writing?
Want to know one of the secrets of writing well? Read. This may seem strange and even counterintuitive. If you want to be a better writer, then you should read more? If you want to be an artist, should you frequent museums? If you want to be a professional sports player, do you watch as…
How Should a Homeschool Student Approach Academic Writing and Personal Topics?
Isn’t it wonderful when you can write an essay focusing on something you actually care about? Let’s face it—not everyone is thoroughly invested in preparing a persuasive essay for living in the country or the city, or comparing and contrasting heat and cold. Sometimes, however, you are given the opportunity to write about something that…
Homeschool, Literature, and Writing: What to Do with Poor Responses
“My homeschool student’s literature response is poorly written! How do I grade the response and help my student write better?” This is an issue that every educator deals with. Some people might be tempted to slap a D or an F on the assignment and move forward, but that won’t help the student in future…
What’s the Right Answer? Homeschool Writing and Literature
How do I judge my homeschool student’s responses for writing and literature? 2 + 2 = 4. Always. The Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. Correct. The scientific binomial name for a llama is Lama glama. Amusing, but also factual. Subjects like math, history, and science have right and wrong answers. 2 + 2…